Lesson Plan for Monday 1st March, 2021

Class: Language Learner Conversation Club                       

Time: 7:30 pm – 8:30 pm                   

By Riva

PPT url link:


Class Description:  The Language Learning Club is a social gathering on zoom for students who would like to get experience with conversational English. The students are multinational, living both in Kamloops and abroad in their own countries right now during the global pandemic. The different time zones present a variety of scenarios that the teacher needs to be aware of. Some students are taking their lunch breaks to join the conversation while others are overtired because either they are staying up late to join the club or they are awake in the wee hours of the morning to attend the class. The language proficiencies include a wide range of experience.

Terminal Objectives: Students will participate in the conversation by speaking English and sharing their opinions on the topics and themes of the discussions.

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Enabling Objectives

Students will be able to converse during the lesson designed for one hour class.

A topic (What you want to be in life ?) that everyone can relate to and everyone has something to say about is chosen. It contains some meanings, vocabulary and steps to create an essay or to hold a conversation on the topic, in future if need be, so it is very helpful for them.

  1. Real life situations will be discussed
  2. Students will be assigned a team to play A-Z game:-

a).Blue Ray team:                                         b).Dark Red team:                                Type answers in blue color                          Type answers in red color

  1. Every student will complete the task in 30 seconds.
  2. Students/teams will participate in discussion in breakout rooms. They will form sentences using the job titles.
  3. Standing in the job circle, students will answer the questions
  4. Exit ticket


 Materials and Equipment

  • 2 colored name tags(blue & red)
  • Interactive white board
  • Breakout rooms
  • Google slides,
  • https://en.islcollective.com/english-esl-worksheets/vocabulary/friends/friends-and-friendship/34423
Procedures/ Activity & time



2-3 min










2 min.

What is the TEACHER doing?

The teacher will welcome the students entering the class and engage them by encouraging them to use the interactive whiteboard. Students will be encouraged to turn on their cameras.




Brief description of what will be happening in the class is provided.

What are the STUDENTS doing?

As and how they enter, students will greet, turn on their video and audio functioning.They will answer the question on the first slide, exploring a few tools of the interactive whiteboard.

Students will listen to the overview.


5 min





Warm up


Define jobs and types of jobs.

A poll activity will be held.

Students will answer the poll & see the results.


2-3 min





Teachers will give detailed instructions about the 1st game,

●     Divide the class in 2 teams:-

1.Blue Ray team  2.Dark Red team

●     Team 1. will type answers in blue color

●     Team 2 will type answers in red color

●     Example using the first letter of the alphabet type professions for each letter. Eg. G = Gardner, P = Pilot

●     Instructions to use the interactive white board will be given before the start of the game.

●     This will be a  time-bound task

●      A bell will ring after 30 seconds

Students will listen to the instructions.


10-15 min




Game – 1


The interactive whiteboard is turned on. Students will be asked to use their team color to write the answer.

Teachers will use name tags of blue and red color to call on students from each team one by one. Since this will be a  time-bound task, the teacher will ring the bell on the completion of time.

The whole purpose is to get them talking and develop good job related vocabulary.

Students will participate in colorful job activity using interactive whiteboard. They will give answers and help their team members as well. They will have to try and complete the task in 30 seconds.




1-2 min















Teachers will give detailed instructions about the 2nd game:-

●     Form sentences using the job titles guessed by each team

●     Copy the sentences before the time lapses

●     Paste the copied sentences in the public chat

●     Team which forms maximum sentences wins the game.

Students will listen to the instructions.


Breakout Rooms:

10 min








Main Room

1-2 min







10-15 min

Game – 2

Students will be placed in breakout rooms team wise to form sentences using the words guessed by a team in the previous game.

Teacher will check the sentences in the main room and congratulate the winner of the game.



Interactive circle/Job circle

Teacher will ask students to place themselves in the circle (using the interactive board) and then ask questions.

Students will form sentences and copy them before returning to the main room

Students will do as teacher instructs and then answer the question.




Exit Ticket

3-4 min




Teacher will ask students to give an answer by taking a poll. Students will be instructed how to do so. Results will be published.

Students will be asked to name a job they would like to do in future.

Students will answer the polling.

Students will speak the answers and leave the session.

 Assessment:  Participation in discussion and games.