On 1st March, 2021, Monday evening, I joined the LLC Conversation Club’s Social Room for delivering my 5th practicum . The topic covered was ‘Family’. Since we are live or have lived with families at one point of time, hence I believed it to be an apt topic to cover on this day.


As I reflect upon my teaching session, there are a lot of things that appealed me. Interestingly, today, a new teaching technique was used, Rewards. This was totally new for the students. I used this technique to encourage voluntary participation. Students were very happy about it and few of them responded promptly. Otherwise they are silent and then name tags come to rescue. However, mentioning rewards helped me as 4 students spoke voluntarily. In addition to this, I had 100% interaction from all the students in the class. I worked towards it, not only did I prepared lists and name tags, but I also ticked the students names as they spoke to keep a double check and call on the students who had not spoken. I followed the adaptation technique in the exit ticket as time was less so instead of speaking out, I told students to type the answer in the public chat, this saved lot of time. While answering on one of the slides, students gave such valuable inputs on family like respect, love, non-judgmental, fun, trust, unity etc. I am touched by their insight about the importance of families in their/our life. As always, I engaged the students from the very first slide, interactive whiteboard was turned on and students wrote as they entered the class. Finally, various Moddle tools were used like the public chat, polling and the interactive whiteboard. This added variation element and kept the students entertained throughout the class.

Furthermore, there are a few things that I have to work on. Because the session was going well, I exceeded the time by 3-4 minutes. I would encourage the students to turn on their cameras as well which I did not do in this session. I realize that at some places I increased my speed but controlled it later. I want to have a normal speed of speaking on consistent basis.

My key take-aways are as follows. Just like I did today with the virtual applaud as a reward, I would keep trying to introduce something new every time as students enjoy it. Also, the reward element kept the students and the sponsor teacher inquisitive throughout the session. This is in addition to the colorful slides and variety, so I will continue working towards that. Moreover, another key element is the adaptation technique. Lastly, I plan to continue preparing in advance, keep the name tags and student list ready, which helps me ensure equal participation, helping in achieving my goal of 100% class involvement.